If you're going to use an Orlando scooter at Hollywood Studios, however, there are a few tips and tricks you should know.
Tricks for Getting the Most out of Hollywood Studios
For Most Rides- Get in the regular line if you don't immediately see a handicapped entrance. The Disney cast member will direct you where to go. If you do see a handicapped entrance, which are most often on the left, you can bring up to five members of your party with you through the entrance.
For Most Theaters- The theater presentations at Hollywood Studios are spectacular, and it's easy for those with mobility scooter rentals to get a good seat. When you enter, most theaters will have seating at in the top row. Your family will be able to sit with you.
When Leaving the Theater- Wait for the crowd to thin out before attempting to leave the theater. Many attendees will attempt to rush out to 'beat the crowd.' If you try to leave first, you'll most often find your way blocked.
Use the Restroom- Before any show you see. You'll be seated first, and getting back out of the theater to use the restroom can be a pain and will mean you'll have to fight oncoming traffic. Use the restroom first so you avoid any troubles.
Watch for CMs- The cast members, or CMs, are there for a reason. They can help you get to where you need to go and will know the best way to do so. Trust them and allow them to do their jobs.
Switching Out- Some rides will accommodate your mobility scooter rental. Others will not. The cast member in charge of the ride will let you know whether you'll need to transfer directly onto the ride or into a wheelchair that the ride will support.
Restaurants- All of the restaurants in Hollywood Studios are accessible to your Orlando scooter, but that doesn't necessarily mean you should use it. Some of the lines are rather narrow, and it may be best to have someone order and pick up the food for you.
Arrive Early- As with anything, always try to arrive as early as possible. Rides, theaters, and restaurants will be much less crowded if you get there early instead of waiting until it is prime dining time or time for a particular ride to open up.
Are you thinking of enjoying Hollywood Studios while on vacation in Orlando? Use these tips to make the most of your time and enjoy everything this attraction has to offer. With a few tricks up your sleeve, you'll be able to use your mobility scooter rental without any trouble at all